About Dr. Sebastian Sepulveda

Doctor and Speaker

Dr. Sebastian Sepulveda is passionate about caring for the terminally ill. He shares his decades of experience and insight through his engaging talks; his book, which inspired the film/TV pilot; and documentary.

More about Dr. Sepulveda

At Death's Door Book

In his book, At Death's Door: End of Life Stories from the Bedside, Dr. Sepulveda shares stories as a doctor caring for the terminally ill. This book offers solace and consolation to those going through this journey as they walk through the decisions
to be made.

Learn more about the book

Death's Door

This sizzle reel features highlights from the pilot of the TV series Death’s Door. Inspired by Dr.
Sepulveda’s book At Death's Door: End of Life Stories from the Bedside, it brings dramatic life to
his experiences as an end-of-life-care doctor. It is currently seeking distribution.

to be made.

More about the film

End of Life Care documentary

Our end-of-life documentary consist of live interviews to multiple individuals who have plenty of experience with dying patients and have active and direct involvement in the process of dying.

More about the documentary

Order the booklets

Advice and instruction

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Press Releases

Deaths’ Door at IMDB

See the production information for the film/TV series, Death’s Door on IMDB.


Photos From The Shoot

Here are some of the best photos from filming Death’s Door. You can see a more extensive collection at the book and film’s Facebook page. These will also be collected…Read More

Press Releases

REAL PEOPLE BOOK REVIEW: (Review from Amazon. Thank you!)

5.0 out of 5 stars A candid and thorough description of end of life care and what is necessary to help patients transition into this phase. February 7, 2018 Format:…Read More